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Buy Virtual Numbers fornisce ai propri clienti numeri di accesso Direct Inward Dialing (DID) e i servizi associati a livello mondiale.

Un numero locale DID può essere inoltrato tramite la nostra infrastruttura a voip ms. Il cliente può scegliere una destinazione della chiamata diversa per ciascun DID e può modificarla in qualsiasi momento tramite la nostra interfaccia user friendly.

voip ms

voip ms

The core team of VoIP.ms is composed of 4 Canadians and 1 American who have been working in the industry since the early days of internet. Some started as support tech for ISP call centers while in school, in the early days when dialup was king, some started as junior sysadmin, some of us went to business schools.

After years getting experience in various internet companies ranging from startups to international corporations, we formed our own company. Our first 2 companies were banner networks. One of it was eventually bought by a bigger network. We then launched 2 web hosting companies. One was specialized on low pricing for the American market with a complete web interface panel on an hybrid platform (supporting ASP on Linux servers) developed in-house by our own team. The other was specialized toward Quebec corporate customers who didn't want to deal with interfaces but with real people.

Both of the companies were sold to a large web hosting group in the late 2003. In 2001, we also started a dialup ISP which we still run today with around 1500 customers located in Quebec and Ontario. In 2002, we developed a system similar to Google Advertising systems targeted at search engines and web portals in Canada. In 2004, this solution had advertisers such as Bell Canada, MSN and Telus and has been aquired by another large publishing group.

In 2004, we entered the VoIP end-user market as well as the callshop center market of South America with excellent results in Mexico. After these results we opened an office in Merida, Mexico to serve our customers from that side of the continent. In 2006, we began elaborating, planning, dealing with more distributors, buying better equipment, establishing relations in the industry and learning a lot about the wholesale side of VoIP.

In 2007, when we felt ready, we launched VoIP.ms, which is our latest baby and favorite product. We now have a team dedicated to this new service. You can count on seeing this service grow in the next few years. At the moment, we have a dedicated team working every day at improving, developing and upscaling the capacity of our service.



Prezzi dell'inoltro di chiamata:

Prezzo mensile: 0.00 USD
Prezzo di attivazione: 0.00 USD


Ordinate adesso un numero virtuale di una delle seguenti città con inoltro di chiamata all'ITSP provider voip ms:

Albania Germania Polonia
Arabia Saudita Giamaica Porto Rico
Argentina Giappone Portogallo
Australia Grecia Principato di Monaco
Austria Guatemala Regno Unito
Belgio Hong Kong Repubblica Ceca
Bolivia India Repubblica Dominicana
Bosnia Erzegovina Indonesia Repubblica di Macedonia
Brasile Irlanda Romania
Bulgaria Islanda Serbia
Canada Israele Singapore
Cile Italia Slovacchia
Cina Kenya Slovenia
Cipro Lettonia Spagna
Colombia Lituania Stati Uniti d'America
Corea del Sud Lussemburgo Sud Africa
Croazia Malesia Svezia
Danimarca Malta Svizzera
Ecuador Messico Tailandia
El Salvador Moldavia Taiwan
Emirati Arabi Uniti Norvegia Ucraina
Estonia Nuova Zelanda Uganda
Filippine Olanda Ungheria
Finlandia Panama Uruguay
Francia Paraguay Venezuela
Georgia Perú VietNam

Buy Virtual Numbers offre una vasta selezione di numeri DID internazionali. Tuttavia siamo in continua espansione dei nostri servizi in modo da aumentare sia il numero delle regioni supportate, sia la copertura in ogni regione.

Con una struttura di rete avanzata e prodotti innovativi siamo pronti a portare servizi di alta qualità, convenienti e affidabili per i nostri clienti in tutto il mondo.

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